How much money does a person working in Vietnam make?
A person working in Vietnam typically earns around 17,200,000 VND per month. Salaries range from 4,360,000 VND (the lowest average) to 76,900,000 VND (the highest average; the maximum salary is higher).
The average monthly salary includes housing, transport, and other benefits. Salaries vary drastically between different careers. If you are interested in the salary of a particular job, see below for salaries for specific job titles.

The median, the maximum, the minimum, and the range
Salary Range
Salaries in Vietnam range from 4,360,000 VND per month (minimum salary) to 76,900,000 VND per month (maximum average salary; actual maximum is higher).
Median Salary
The median salary is 16,200,000 VND per month, meaning that half (50%) of the population earns less than 16,200,000 VND while the other half earns more than 16,200,000 VND. The median represents the middle salary value. Generally speaking, you would want to be on the right side of the graph with the group earning more than the median salary.
Two values are closely related to the median: the 25th and the 75th percentiles. Reading from the salary distribution diagram, 25% of the population earn less than 9,240,000 VND, while 75% earn more than 9,240,000 VND. Also, from the diagram, 75% of the population earns less than 43,700,000 VND while 25% earn more than 43,700,000 VND.

To learn more about the Salaries in Vietnam, go to :
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Email: admin@tesl-certification.com
